Use of Cookies

How does Ardent Credit Services Ltd t/a Debt & Revenue Services use cookies and similar tracking?

a. What are cookies and tracking technologies?
Cookies are small pieces of information transferred to your computer or mobile when you visit a website.

b. Why do we use cookies?
To do a few different things:
c. What are the types of cookies?
Some cookies are always on when you visit us, and you can’t turn them off unless you change your browser settings. We call these “strictly necessary cookies”. We use them to make sure our digital services work correctly.
We also use functional cookies to make your experience more enjoyable by remembering some of your choices within our websites.
Bear in mind there are some other cookies out there from other companies. These "third-party cookies" might track how you use different websites, including ours. We use Google Analytics service cookies only for statistics and reporting purposes.

We use Google Analytics for aggregated, anonymised website traffic analysis. In order to track your session usage, Google drops a cookie (_ga) with a randomly generated ClientID in your browser. This ID is anonymised and contains no identifiable information like email, phone number, name, etc. We also send Google your IP Address. We use GA to track aggregated website behaviour, such as what pages you looked at, for how long, and so on. This information is important to us for improving the user experience and determining site effectiveness. If you would like to access what browsing information we have - or ask us to delete any GA data - please delete your _ga cookies, reach out to us via this form, and/or install the Google Analytics Opt-Out Browser Add-On.

d. How long do cookies last for?
Some are erased when you close the browser on your website or app. Others stay longer, sometimes forever, and are saved onto your device so that they’re there when you come back.

e. How do I control my cookies and tracking?
Strictly necessary cookies are always on when you visit us. On your first visit to us, we’ll tell you about our other types of cookies.
Stopping all cookies might mean you can’t access some Ardent Credit Services (and Debt & Revenue Services) services, or that some of them might not work properly for you.
Another way to control some of the tracking is in the settings on your device.